Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Sports and Games Night Friday

Sports and Games nights continue through the summer on 1st and 3rd Fridays.

Friday, July 6th - Come on down and play volleyball or board games or just come for conversation and fellowship.

7:30-10:45 p.m.
Simpson Hall and Heritage Room

We are now on our summer schedule: Sports and Games Nights 1st & 3rd Fridays throughout the summer.

Also, stayed tuned to the blog for additional events and updates.

Allegheny Center Alliance Church
250 E. Ohio St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Hope to see you there! :-)

Friday Faith & Fellowship 40s+ Singles Following Jesus in Diverse Community as We Worship, Grow, Serve, and Share


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Sports and Games in Simpson Hall on Friday, January 24th

Friday, January 24th – Sports and Games Night at Allegheny Center Alliance Church Note - we will be in Simpson Hall for this Sports and G...